In December's X-MEN: PIXIE STRIKES BACK limited series-brought to you by the critically-acclaimed RUNAWAYS team of writer Kathryn Immonen and Sara Pichelli-that aforementioned scenario becomes reality for Pixie and her friends, Mercury, Blindfold, X-23, and Armor. Except, this being the X-Men, things will likely be much more complicated than lost wallets and flat tires, and the writer could not be happier to put them through it.
"I love all these girls together," Immonen says. "Even though they're all full-fledged X-Men, they're still kids, some of them more than others. They are also sisters of a sort. [... ]It's a story about friendship and lies and betrayal and deception. About how you can make the wrong decision for the right reason and about how difficult it can ultimately be to forgive that. And if that's not enough, it's also about stabbing and brawling and torture and Cessily in a cheerleader uniform. And girls' bathrooms."
In the midst of this whirling chaos, Pixie stands on the precipice of some life-changing discoveries, including the possibility that her father, unknown to her, might be well-known in the Marvel Universe as a villain.
Every good comic needs a strong artist and PIXIE comes as no exception as Immonen once again collaborates with her RUNAWAYS partner Sara Pichelli and knows that she, the character, and fans will be in good hands.
"I know that we're both anxious to stretch a little on this project and I can't wait to get going," she insists. "'Fortunate' doesn't begin to describe how I feel about being paired up with Sara again. Pixie doesn't know how lucky she is."
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